Tuesday, 29 October 2013

UK Hacker Gary McKinnon Who Saw Off World Soldiers & Ships On US Gov Computers Had Extradition Blocked!

It's not often a pure soul comes along with such knowledge and skills and turns the world of UFO research upside-down over night, but the valiant Gary McKinnon (The Peoples Champion) has done just that. The US has deviously tried to get Gary extradited out of the UK and sent to the US to face an American trial…more like a witch hunt. But today the US lost! The people won! The UK Blocked extradition of hacker Gary Mckinnon. Also note, hacking in the UK at that time was only a misdemeanor…not a serous crime.

Why did the US want Gary so badly? That is easy, on some of the computers he hacked into he discovered files about twenty to thirty non-terrestrial officers (off world). He saw their ranks, and ship to ship transfers off world. He believes the US gov is using reverse-engeneered technology that they recovered from UFO crashes. Gary was fearless as he hacked into the Army, Navy, Air Force, DOD (Dept. of Defense) and NASA. 

Check out the two videos below to hear his own words on it. I made the videos myself as a tribute to him, so go easy on me for that. SCW

UFO That Flashes Different Colors Seen Over Albuquerque, New Mexico On Oct 27, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Source - UFO Sightings Daily

Date of sighting: October 27, 2013
Location of sighting: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Report # 51892

Eyewitness states: 

I am from the East Coast (CT) visiting a childhood friend in Albuquerque, NM (from Thursday, 10/24 through 10/28/13). 

After finishing dinner at the PF Changs restaurant (at 4440 The 25th Way NE, Albuquerque, NM) on Sunday, 10/27/13, my friend and I headed to the parking lot when my friend noticed a very bright light hovering in the sky over the general area above the roof of a hotel (I think a Drury Inn?) in the same parking lot. We stood for about a minute or two debating what we were looking at, since when focusing on two points on the hotels roof the light wasnt moving. So we decided to get in the car and decided to head SW in the direction of the light outside the city limits where the light pollution was less. It was odd because it was hazy/some cloud cover in the night sky and the stars werent many, and the ones that were visible in this parking lot werent that bright. So this light dominated the sky even in a well-lit parking lot and was rather big and round in appearance. We noted the time on the car clock as 7:58 p.m. (MT) when we got into the car. 

We headed up Paseo Del Norte (road) heading West in my friends car. As my friend was driving we noticed planes flying in the sky and they were distinctly smaller, had the typical red and blue blinking lights, and less bright than this light which appeared stationary and unwavering in the night sky. 

So, as my friend drove her car, I kept my eye on the light so as not to lose its orientation in the sky. The planes appeared to fly under or around the bright light, but it was the planes in the foreground and background that made it clear this wasnt an airplane. And as the planes moved, this light did not. 

We stopped at a sharp curve in this road which is the perimeter to a local airfield (Double Eagle?). There are no streetlights at this point and this area is considered "behind the volcanoes" which, I guess, means something to you if youre from this area. (Its a dark area from which to view the Albuquerque "valley" and see the entire city from a terrific perspective.) 

The photos I took are not really very good. These were taken with a Panasonic Lumix F 2.8 25-600 mm camera, which I had on me in a backpack for my visit with my friend and her family, as well as to capture our day outings in and around the Albuquerque area. The photos simply show a bright light. Its odd because there was no moon visible in the sky tonight and this object, to the naked eye changed colors to include flashes of bluish-green, red orange and yellow before descending below an apparent cloud cover, as the light lit up a layer of low clouds making the light a muted, warm orange, and making it apparent that this light was descending behind/below the cloud cover. Finally, even the warm bright light wasnt visible as even a muted light in the sky and we drove to my friends home in the Albuquerque area. 

We thought maybe a weather balloon? Do they emit bright lights that appear constant? Did anyone else see this tonight?

Vatican Hides Alien Information From Public, UFO Sighting News.

Source - UFO Sightings Daily

In May 2008, Funes gave an interview to the Vatican’s L’Osservatore Romano newspaper saying that the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials posed no problems to Catholic theology. The conference itself was officially convened by the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences, chaired by its religious leader Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, and was held on private Vatican grounds from November 6-10. Together with Funes’ 2008 interview and subsequent public comments by him, the conference demonstrates a welcome openness by the Vatican on the possibility and implications of extraterrestrial life.  The Vatican’s openness to discussion of extraterrestrial life is no accident. It is part of an openness policy secretly adopted by the United Nations in February 2008. In fact, the Vatican is playing a leading role in preparing the world for extraterrestrial disclosure.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Texas Astronomer Discovers Most Distant Known Galaxy

Source - Space Daily

An artist's rendition of the newly discovered most distant galaxy z8_GND_5296. (The galaxy looks red in the actual Hubble Space Telescope image because the collective blue light from stars get shifted toward redder colors due to the expansion of the universe and its large distance from Earth.) Image credit: V. Tilvi, S.L. Finkelstein, C. Papovich, and the Hubble Heritage Team. For a larger version of this image please go here.
by Staff Writers Austin TX (SPX) Oct 28, 2013 University of Texas at Austin astronomer Steven Finkelstein has led a team that has discovered and measured the distance to the most distant galaxy ever found. The galaxy is seen as it was at a time just 700 million years after the Big Bang.
Although observations with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have identified many other candidates for galaxies in the early universe, including some that might perhaps be even more distant, this galaxy is the farthest and earliest whose distance can be definitively confirmed with follow-up observations from the Keck I telescope, one of a pair of the world's largest Earth-bound telescopes.
The result will be published in the journal Nature.
"We want to study very distant galaxies to learn how galaxies change with time, which helps us understand how the Milky Way came to be," Finkelstein said.
That's what makes this confirmed galaxy distance so exciting, because "we get a glimpse of conditions when the universe was only about 5 percent of its current age of 13.8 billion years," said Casey Papovich of Texas A and M University, second author of the study.
Astronomers can study how galaxies evolve because light travels at a certain speed, about 186,000 miles per second. Thus, when we look at distant objects, we see them as they appeared in the past. The more distant astronomers can push their observations, the farther into the past they can see.
The devil is in the details, however, when it comes to making conclusions about galaxy evolution, Finkelstein points out. "Before you can make strong conclusions about how galaxies evolved, you've got to be sure you're looking at the right galaxies."
This means that astronomers must employ the most rigorous methods to measure the distance to these galaxies, to understand at what epoch of the universe they are seen.
Finkelstein's team selected this galaxy, and dozens of others, for follow-up from the approximately 100,000 galaxies discovered in the Hubble Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS), of which Finkelstein is a team member. The largest project in the history of Hubble, CANDELS used more than one month of Hubble observing time.
The team looked for CANDELS galaxies that might be extremely distant, based on their colors from the Hubble images. This method is good but not foolproof, Finkelstein said. Using colors to sort galaxies is tricky because closer objects can masquerade as distant galaxies.
So to measure the distance to these potentially early-universe galaxies in a definitive way, astronomers use spectroscopy - specifically, looking at how much a galaxy's light wavelengths have shifted toward the red end of the spectrum during their travels from the galaxy to Earth because of the expansion of the universe. This phenomenon is called "redshift."
The team used Keck Observatory's Keck I telescope in Hawaii, one of the largest optical/infrared telescopes in the world, to measure the redshift of the CANDELS galaxy designated z8_GND_5296 at 7.51, the highest galaxy redshift ever confirmed. The redshift means this galaxy hails from a time only 700 million years after the Big Bang.
Keck I was fitted with the new MOSFIRE instrument, which made the measurement possible, Finkelstein said. "The instrument is great. Not only is it sensitive, it can look at multiple objects at a time." He explained that it was the latter feature that allowed his team to observe 43 CANDELS galaxies in only two nights at Keck and obtain higher quality observations than are possible anywhere else.
Researchers are able to accurately gauge the distances of galaxies by measuring a feature from the ubiquitous element hydrogen called the Lyman alpha transition, which emits brightly in distant galaxies. It is detected in nearly all galaxies that are seen from a time more than 1 billion years from the Big Bang, but getting closer than that, the hydrogen emission line, for some reason, becomes increasingly difficult to see.
Of the 43 galaxies observed with MOSFIRE, Finkelstein's team detected this Lyman alpha feature from only one. "We were thrilled to see this galaxy," Finkelstein said.
"And then our next thought was, 'Why did we not see anything else? We're using the best instrument on the best telescope with the best galaxy sample. We had the best weather - it was gorgeous. And still, we only saw this emission line from one out of our sample of 43 observed galaxies, when we expected to see around six. What's going on?' "
The researchers suspect they may have zeroed in on the era when the universe made its transition from an opaque state in which most of the hydrogen gas between galaxies is neutral to a translucent state in which most of the hydrogen is ionized (called the Era of Re-ionization).
So it's not necessarily that the distant galaxies aren't there. It could be that they're hidden from detection behind a wall of neutral hydrogen, which blocks the Lyman alpha signal the team was looking for.
Though the astronomers detected only one galaxy from their CANDELS sample, it turned out to be extraordinary. In addition to its great distance, the team's observations showed that the galaxy z8_GND_5296 is forming stars extremely rapidly - producing stars at a rate 150 times as fast as our own Milky Way galaxy.
This new distance record-holder lies in the same part of sky as the previous record-holder (redshift 7.2), which also happens to have a very high rate of star formation.
"So we're learning something about the distant universe," Finkelstein said. "There are way more regions of very high star formation than we previously thought. ... There must be a decent number of them if we happen to find two in the same area of the sky."
In addition to their studies with Keck, the team also observed z8_GND_5296 in the infrared with NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Spitzer measured the amount of ionized oxygen the galaxy contains, which helps pin down the rate of star formation.
The Spitzer observations also helped rule out other types of objects that could masquerade as an extremely distant galaxy, such as a more nearby galaxy that is particularly dusty.
The team is hopeful about its future prospects in this area. The University of Texas at Austin is a founding partner of the 25-meter-diameter Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT), soon to begin construction in the mountains of Chile.
This telescope will have nearly five times the light-gathering power of Keck and will be sensitive to much fainter emission lines, as well as even more distant galaxies. Although the current observations are beginning to pin down when re-ionization occurred, more work is needed.
"The process of re-ionization is unlikely to be very sudden," Finkelstein said. "With the GMT, we will detect many more galaxies, pushing our study of the distant universe even closer to the Big Bang."

This Day In UFO History: Oct 28, 1973 Man Encounters Aliens Along Road While Changing Tire, UFO Sighting News.

Source - UFO Sightings Daily

Date of sighting: October 28, 1973
Location of sighting: Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 22 No. 3 (Nov/Dec 1973)

On Sunday, 28 October 1973, in the first hour of the morning, truck driver Dionisio Llanca had a fantastic experience. Dionisio, a calm and quiet bachelor arrived at a hospital in Bahia Blanca in a state of total amnesia. Three days later as he regained his memory he related his extraordinary experience - - a night encounter on route H3 with a flying saucer and beings that talked with "chillidos" and who took a sample of his blood.

Dionisio Llanca got up late on Saturday, 27 October 1973 and put on old pants, shirt and dark sweater and lounged about the modest painted cottage on Calle Chubut, only ten minutes from the center of Bahia Blanca. He ate lunch early and napped during the siesta period because he would have to drive all night long.

He arose about six P. M. and watched a television serial, which it should be noted was realistic and direct, and without fantastic elements. About 10:00P. M. he ate a dinner of beef, salad, and two glasses of Cepita, a non-alcoholic beverage, with his uncle Enrique Ruiz. A few minutes after midnight Llanca said goodbye to his uncle and got into his truck, a Dodge 600, loaded with construction material to be delivered to Rio Gallegos, a two day trip. After 12 years of driving the eyes become accustomed to observing conditions, even in the shadow of the street. He discovered that the right rear tire was low. He was of a mind to change it but decided to leave instead. When he left the house it was 12:30. Sunday had already begun. The truck began to roll down route #3. The tire got lower and there was nothing to do but change it. Dionisio regretted not having changed it at the ESSO service station on Calle Don Bosco where he stopped at 15 minutes to 01:00 to get gasoline. Now he would have to get out on the dark and desolate shoulder in the cold of the morning and change it. It was now 01:15 and he was removing tools, wrenches and jack with no one to help. He began changing the tire. "I braked the truck on the shoulder, got down, took out the jack and the tools and began to change the tire. The road was completely deserted. All at once the road was illuminated with an intense yellow light that seemed to be about 2,000 meters distant. Because of the color I thought that they might be the headlights of a Pugeot and continued with my work. A few seconds passed and I had my shoulder to the light but it became so bright that it lighted the whole area. Now the light had changed to a bluish color similar to an electric arc welder. I tried to get up but could not rise; I had no strength, and a strange thing - - my legs would not respond. I was on my knees. I wanted to get up and look towards the woods that grew along one side of the road. Then I saw a great thing in the form of a plate suspended in the air at some seven meters altitude, and three persons at my shoulders looking at me. I tried once more to get up but could not. The paralysis became total and I could not even talk. The three beings stood looking at me for a long time, perhaps five minutes. They were two men and a woman. The woman was between the two men. I believed it was a woman because of the form of the breast and the long hair, blonde, reaching to the middle of her shoulders. The men were also blond with shorter hair in back. The three were about the same height, one meter and 70 or 75 centimeters, and dressed in the same manner: single piece smoky gray coverall suits well fitted to the figure, % yellow boots and long gloves reaching to the middle of the arm of the same color. They had no belts, nor weapons, nor helmets nor anything else. Their faces were like ours except for high foreheads and elongated eyes, like the Japanese and a little tilted. They talked among themselves in a language impossible for me to inderstand. They had no vocal inflections but sounded like a...... like a radio badly tuned with chirps and buzzes. One of them grabbed me by the neck of my sweater and lifted me firmly but without violence. I tried to talk but my voice would not come out. While the one held me up another put an apparatus in the base of my index finger on the left hand. They looked closely at the apparatus. It was like a razor but had a small tube. They applied it to me for several seconds. It did not hurt. When they left I had two drops of blood on my finger. I believe I then passed out because I can remember nothing else."

Dionisio could not remember when he a-woke. The time is calculated to be between 2 and 3 A. M. on Sunday. When he opened his eyes he was among the rail cars in the yard of the Sociedad Rural de Bahia Blanca, exactly 9 kilometers 600 meters from the point where the encounter took place. He could remember nothing, not even his name, nor the episode, nor the truck, nor his home. He was nauseated and cold. He began walking toward the road guided by the lights of the vehicles. Recently, on the 30th when he awoke in a bed in the Municipal Hospital of Bahia Blanca he remembered the experience in detail. His clothes were intact, folded in the drawers of the bed. He felt a desire to smoke and to know what time it was. He went to his clothes and discovered that his watch was missing, and also his cigarette lighter and cigarettes in a meta! box were missing. The pockets of his pants still contained the 150 thousand pesos that he carried upon leaving home. He asked about his truck which worried him more than the UFO and its occupants. He was told that the police had found it parked on a shoulder in Villa Bordeu, some 18 kilometers from Bahia Blanca, with the jack in place and one tire ready to change. His papers in the glove compartment had not been disturbed.

It is still a mystery concerning what occurred between the time Dionisio awakened among the rail cars, some 10 kilometers from where the encounter took place, and the time when he was treated by Doctor Ricardo Smirnoff at the hospital. "I am a forensic surgeon. I had rotating duty on Sunday the 28th. About 9:30 Dr. Altaperro at the Spanish Hospital called me and said that he had a curious case. I arrived at the hospital about 10:15 and saw a young man of about 25 or 26 years of age in a state of total amnesia. He could remember nothing of his past. He did not know who he was, where he was born, who his parents were or anything about his past. He cried continually and asked what town he was in. The doctor told me that a man had left him at the hospital after encountering him wandering in the center of the city, like a robot, and asking everyone he met where a police box was. At first he thought that he had had an automobile accident on the road. He changed this as he had no injuries. When I touched his head or came near his hand he drew back instinctively as though it would produce pain. He had a bad headache in the right parietal temporal area. I notified the police and had him admitted to the Municipal Hospital."

Dionisio Llanca is a simple, almost primitive man. In two days of interviews he remained withdrawn and did not even smile. He is serious with a remote sense of humor. One of the doctors characterized him as "innocent." When he is asked what he thinks about UFOs, he says "Nothing, It doesn't interest me." In reality, there are few subjects that -Interest Dionisio except his town, his parents and his work. He does not like to think about the events of that night.

Peru Air Force Reopens UFO Investigation Department, Oct 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Source - UFO Sightings Daily

Source: Yahoo News

Yahoo News states: 
Washington, Oct. 28 (Air Force is reopening an office that is responsible for probing UFOs because of higher sightings ofanomalous aerial phenomena in the skies of the country.

Colonel Julio Vucetich, head of the air force's aerospace interests division, told the Guardian that the Department of Investigation of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (DIFAA) was first created in 2001 but has lain dormant for the past 5 years.

The new office will bring together sociologists, archaeologists, astronomers, meteorologists and air force personnel to analyse these events.

Vucetich said that many people don't report UFO sightings fearing they will be labelled mad or made fun of, but nowadays with new technology - cellphone videos, Facebook, Twitter - they can be much more open, without feeling that they are the only ones who have seen what they've seen. (ANI)

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Biological UFO Passes In Front Of Sun On Oct 17, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Source - UFO Sightings Daily

Date of sighting: October 17, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Method: SOHO/NASA sun cameras
Source: NASA SWx iphone app. 

While looking over some SOHO sun photos, I noticed this very odd shaped object near the sun. This looks a lot like a solar explosion, however its center has a triangle in it and its web like round shape makes me wonder if what I am looking at is a massive UFO similar to the 1997 NASA UFO Tether incident? Its been on my mind, so I am posting it after looking at it for almost a week and I will let you guys decide. I will put the tether incident video at the bottom of this post for you to compare. Remember...the tether incident was a test to see if a 12 mile long tether could pull a 100 million dollar satellite up into orbit. The tether video was made with an infrared camera, showing many donut shaped UFOs curious about the tether and one apparently breaking it. The tether UFOs look to be biological entities, not ships as we know them. SCW